Monday, 7 November 2011

Notes on D.A.S.

Tips and notes for:
Describe Analyse Situate
-6 minutes long ( 2 minutes each word)
-Write a script (reading one takes the pressure off)
-6 minutes is about 1000-1100 words
-Use short sentences
-Large font or own hand writing

-Don't try and talk about everything (as in, lots of work)
-Avoid text because you're talking anyway
-Be selective
-Talk about examples, 1 minute per slide

-Practice out loud
-Slow Down

Son of DAS - 1 minute elevator pitch

-What verbally defines you? (describe)
-Why should others find it interesting?(analyse)
-What would they already know about what you do?(Situate)
-Think about what defines you as an artist?